• Y is 'Moonlight Clan'?
    By Aki Pang

    Unlike the traditional lifestyle, some youths like wearing beautiful clothes, eating well but don't care about how much money they spend even though they don't earn much. There is a new term "moonlight clan" to describe these kinds of people.

    The term "moonlight clan" originates from Taiwan. It is the translation of the term in Chinese "Yue Guang Zu". "Yue guang" means "moonlight" in English, but also has a twisted meaning of nothing left at the end of the month. "Zu" means "clan" referring to a group of people. Thus, the term is to describe a specific group of people who spend all of their salary every month. Mostly, youths are in this clan.

    Based on a Taiwan media report, 37% of office workers admitted that they belonged to the "moonlight clan", even though they were not, they admitted that it was hard for them to save money.

    "Sometimes I spend all my salary," said Sam Chan, who admitted that he was in the "moonlight clan". "It is hard for me to save money. Apart from giving domestic expense to my parents and my living expenses, I regularly buy two to three pieces of clothing every month. Sometimes I buy more than I expect. And I have many social activities. As a result, I have almost no money left."

    Besides, there is also a group of youths who are in the "moonlight clan" without choice. "I just earn around 2,000 dollars per month; sometimes I earn less when I am busy with my studying," a university student Carol Lam said. "Mostly my earnings are spent on living expenses, including lunch costs, transportation fees and so on. My salary is really low and cost of living is high. Even though I want to save money, there is no money left every month."
    However, not all the youths are members of the clan. There are a few people who keep saving their earnings. "I keep saving part of my salary every month," said Vivian Leong, an office clerk, claiming that she was not a member of "moonlight clan". "After deducting my living expense and family expense, I can still save part of my salary every month." She explained that she didn't become a "moonlight clan" even when she was at secondary school. "When I was a high school student, my parents would give me pocket money. But I have never been a 'moonlight' member because I have learned to control my spending," she added.
    Another interviewee, Athena Lei, a Year 4 student who has a part-time job in the library said, "I earn around MOP3,000 per month but I keep saving 1,000 every month. Mostly I spend my money on food and snacks." When asked how she saves money, she expressed, "Eating at home other than outside can save lots of money. Go shopping with consideration and not be easily taken by advertisements."

    Tips for financial management:
    1. Control yourself on spending money
    2. Record your expenses
    3. Reduce the budget for restaurants and eating outside
    4. Cut unnecessary expenses
    5. Always examine your expenses