UM Bridges


By Karen Lei

“If I told them I want to give up the treatment, they will try their very best to convince me to stay and to process my request slowly. Giving me time to think and reflect. And that was the sweetest way they used to help me successfully quit doping, “ said Beiji (not real name) who had used drugs for more than 10 years and quit it successfully at the time.”

No Return

“If I told them I want to give up the treatment, they will try their very best to convince me to stay and to process my request slowly. Giving me time to think and reflect. And that was the sweetest way they used to help me successfully quit doping,” said Beiji (not real name) who had used drugs for more than 10 years and quit it successfully at the time. Being influenced by his elder brother, Beiji started doping since he was in Primary Five. “It’s going to be alright, you will not be addicted,” Beiji quoted what his brother told him at that time, who persuaded him to have the first attempt of the cough syrups (also called drixoral cough liquid caps). “I refused him for a couple of times at the beginning, however, I was tempted. And there was no return,” said Beiji. Nevertheless, his doping life began.


Day by day, at the age around 20s, he already had to consume around 1.5 liters of cough syrups a day in order to satisfy his addiction. However, at that time, the selling and buying of the cough syrups were strictly banned; it was not easy for him to get one. Then, some other drug users recommended him to consume Methadone, which was the legal substitute provided by the government for drug rehabilitation treatment. “I would pay them MOP50 a time to get a small dosage of Methadone,” said Beiji. “It was much better than the cough syrup.” Meanwhile, his doping addiction was getting more serious; he even consumed Heroin, which was commonly called “white powder” by drug addicts. “Sometimes, I would consume the syrups, the powder and the Methadone at the same time, after that my mind would go blank and it was exhilarating,” claimed Beiji.

Beiji had to steal things in order to have money to buy drugs. “I felt so confused when I woke up every morning. I had to worry about how I could get money to buy drugs,” said Beiji. He was sent to prison three times because of stealing and drug trafficking.

Chance Equals Disappointment

“I knew that my mother worried about me and I did not want to live the life full of confusion and knowing nothing. So I decided to change. I wanted to get rid of drugs,” stated Beiji. He first went to the Shek Kwu Chau Rehabilitation Centre in Hong Kong. However, he was kicked out after no more than two weeks because he was suspected of doping again during a weekly check. “I did not dope. They did not trust me. I was determined at that time. I asked for another check as I thought that the urine container was not clean enough,” said Beiji. Unfortunately, his request was rejected. He was so disappointed that he used drugs again after leaving the centre.


In the year 2010, his father sent him to another centre in Macau, called The Association of Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (ARTM), a non-profit organization where he quit doping successfully. “I was not voluntary to be there at first. But with the support and the encouragement the staff gave me, I did it!” said Beiji. Although he escaped for several times during the treatment, he came back with the support of the staff in the centre.

“I always tell them that in here, we can help them to control; we encourage and counsel them through chatting. However, if they leave us, nobody can help them and they may dope again,” said Raul Manuel Trabuca Martins, monitor of ARTM. With the encouragement and support of the staff in ARTM, Beiji is now turning a new page in his life. He has a stable job and a more simple life. During weekends, he will pay a visit to the centre. He is a mentor and a role model for other drug abusers who are undergoing treatment.

“A material body, but also a mind and a psyche, that comes to the world to interchange love with all beings. That is why we want to spread this message to all of those who realize the reality of our true existence. To minimize the suffering is part of our mission. To reach heaven by sowing love on earth,” stressed J. P. Navarro, the founder of ARTM.