UM Bridges


By Queenie Lee

While people are using words like “NEET”, which means “Not in Employment, Education and Training”, to describe the phenomenon of today’s new generation, there are people who are trying to do something different when they are still young. Jo Cheang and Jez Lio can be the representatives.

Both are 24, these two girls are roaming around in different cities but, towards the same goal with great determination.

Cheang and Lio have had similar interests since secondary school. As Jo reminisces, they were volunteers for board decoration of the class. ‘We both loved drawing and design. I enjoyed being with her to work things out and our chemistry was built,’ Cheang said.

We are JOEZ

Established in August 2012, JOEZ is a combination of their names.

Their “business”, apart from selling clothes and accessories online, is a place to share what they like, a fashion platform for them and young designers.

“She is my motivation as I very much enjoy two people working with the same purpose,” Lio said.

“Without Jez, I probably won’t start doing this,” Cheang said.

Dream vs. Reality

When we were young, we dreamed of everything we desired. However, there’s always formidable prospect which lies ahead of us, especially wh en we graduate.

“I wanted to study design but it was hard to earn a living,” Lio said. After graduation from college, she went to Taiwan for her study whereas Cheang chose to study Journalism in Macao.

Big Change in 2012

During the time in Taiwan, Lio met one of her schoolmates who loved photography and, invited her to be his assistant.

“He always put a lot of effort into his work, this reminded me what I wanted,” Lio said.

For Cheang, she was downhearted after graduation and confused what she would strive for. “People will look back at their behavior when they get mature. I wanted to recall my missing time since I had n’t drawn for ages,” she said.

In June 2012, Cheang resigned from an office job. “I wanted to do something with passion,” she said.

Working with Faith

The first step is always the hardest. “At first, we planned to start JOEZ through Facebook because if we fail, we could just simply close down our account, and nothing would happen,” Lio said.

Taking photos, doing layout and styling, all are rounded out by their own. “We treat them as a practice and receive a big support as we are not for profit,” Lio said.

With this attitude, JOEZ stands out from others in customers’ eyes. “You can make a difference instead of being influenced by the market,” Cheang said.

No Regrets

We always desire many things, but do nothing. According to Lio, determination is important. “Ask yourself, if you want to be a stylist, are you doing something that a stylist would do? You will feel regret as you don’t strive for anything when you are young.”

“You may be struggling, but if you are not doing it right at the moment, you’ll never do it,” Cheang said.

At last, Lio has certain tips for youngsters. “Try to find the people who are like you in many ways, and try connecting with the people who matter,” she said.