Invisible Germs on Your Smartphone

By Scarlet Cheng

There is a news report by Chongqing Evening News which says that germs a smartphone carries is more than that on the toilet seat. And after several tests, the researchers show that harmful germs a smartphone carries is tenfold more than what the toilet contains, and those kinds of bacteria will cause sickness and serious problems in the stomach and intestines.

“It is possible," said Chan Man Si, program coordinator, the Faculty of Health Sciences of The Macau University of Science and Technology."Germs belong to a part of microorganism and germs can be classified into positive or negative. Gram positive is usually found in the community but Gram negative is usually found in the hospital. To distinguish a germ, we need to determinate its pigment, structure and shape."

Chan said, “Most of the germs will not cause people to become sick. It is because germs are symbiotic with people." However, a germ is pathogenic, if operated in coordination with two terms, then a person will get sick. Chan explained that one is necessary condition and the other one is sufficient condition. The necessary condition includes the way of being in touch with the germs, the amount and the power of the germs. The sufficient condition includes the cleanliness of the environment, a person’s resistance against diseases and the vaccine injection.

Chan mentioned that most germs are beneficial germs. For example some can make bread and beer, some turn nitrogen into fertilizers, some can decompose dead wood or leaf, and some can make medicine. In addition, if there were no germs in this world, we would die very soon as no more beneficial germs would protect us and no more medicine could be produced.

Cold Knowledge:

How many germs does a person carry over the body?
The answer is 90 trillion. The germs are everywhere, but we cannot see them, most of the germs on our body are beneficial germs. And we have a protection system to prevent the bad germs from harming our body.

Which kind of bank note in the world carries the most germs?
The answer is the 50 cent note of RMB. And the cleanest is the note of North Korea. In addition, newer notes contain fewer germs.


How to prevent the spread of germs?
There are two good ways to avoid getting sick and prevent the spread of germs: Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Hand washi
ng before eating and after using the bathroom. And remember to keep the room with good ventilation.

How to reduce the germs on the smartphone?
Here are a few suggestions:
-Wash your hands before using it
-Remove the device’s case, clean its cracks and sanitize it often
-Do not use your phone in the restroom
-Do not share with others
To conclude, the best defense is prevention!

(Information collected from the Internet)