Invisible Beauty of Macao

By Moon Lei

A Blue Macau Tower

Have you ever seen the Macao tower dressed in blue? The tower was under the blue spotlight on April 2 to 4 to introduce the World Autism Awareness Day to Macao citizens. This event is called “light it up blue". Many countries around the world joined this event by lighting up their famous buildings in blue to show their support to autistic people.

A Western Style for Mid-autumn Festival

In Macao, whenever there is a festival, you will find that there are various lanterns displayed in streets, which are colorful and very eye catching. This has been a custom in Macao and these lanterns help to enhance a festival atmosphere. In addition to traditional patterns of lanterns, several foreign doll lanterns were introduced in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. Behind the dolls, there was a full moon, which was likely to say that in Chinese, having a family reunion under the full moon, isn’t it?

The Map of Memories

The famous street in Macao, Rua do Cunha, has a secret that is not easy to discover. It is a shop called Cunha Bazaar, which has very colorful floor full of drawings. If you look at them very carefully, you can find out that those pictures drawn on the floor tell little stories of Macao. They are well known by Macao people. For instance, you can find the old and famous shops like Yo Kei dragon’s beard candy, fried chestnut store in Largo do Senado. Dozens of Macao stories are made as a game map on the floor, in which you can discover lots of your childhood memories in Macao.

The Brightest Street in Macao

Whenever a festival comes, Largo do Senado will be decorated in themes. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole street was decorated with a variety of tasty fruits, which Chinese eat during the festival. All of the fruits had different facial expressions; they made the street look lively. The popular street will give you another feeling when the night comes. You will suddenly realize that you are under thousands of stars, the lights have brightened the whole Largo do Senado. This year at Largo do Senado during the Moon Festival, there was also a memorial archway that marked China’s National Day. You definitely enjoyed the two festivals at once in the square.