Sensation Macao


  "To touch - Macao's inner world
     To see    - Macao's present and future
       To hear  - Macao's silence and noises
         To taste - Macao's traditional and fashionable flavors
           To smell - Macao's cross-cultural fragrance"






Do you want to get a better understanding of problem gambling? Come and take a free test!

Write YES or No after each item:

1. Frequently think about gambling experience or ways to get money from gambling.

2. Need to gamble with an increasing amount of money in order to achieve the desired excitement.

3. Make repeatedly unsuccessful efforts to control or stop gambling.

4. Feel restless or irritable when attempting to stop gambling.

5. Think gambling as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a negative mood (e.g. feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression, etc.)

6. Try to win back gambling losses with more games.

7. Hide the extent of gambling by lying to family, friends, or therapists.

8. Breach the law in order to pay back or finance gambling, or recover gambling losses.

9. Gamble despite the risk of losing a relationship, a job, or educational opportunities.

10. Rely on friends or family for financial assistance as a result of gambling.

Consulted the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-IV ) by the American Psychiatric Association and the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders (CCMD-3) by the Chinese Medical Association, problem gambling is now defined as the following:

W ith 0 YES:
Congratulations! You are definitely not a problem gambler. Hope you can keep your lifestyle and tr y your best to help and encourage others who need to face a gambling problem.

With 1-2 YES:
Not bad! You love gambling, right? Remember to set a budget and time limit for your gambling, or you c an give your friend or family a treat after your success.

With 3-4 YES:
Notice! You are now stepping into the scope of a problem gambler. You love to gamble when you are down, flushed or depressed. And sometimes you c annot control yourself to think about it. You'd better talk to your family or friends now, and ask them to supervise your behavior. Remember never cross this line.

With 5 or more YES:
I am so sorry to tell you that you have been diagnosed as a problem gambler. But don't be afraid, go to some problem gambling treatment centers or other community organizations immediately, cooperate with your therapists and let your family or friends supervise you with your treatment. Remember the real enemy in your life is nobody but you, hope you can defeat it!


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