Wong Sio Ha, Wilson Leung's mother, said that she did support him on the condition that street dance wouldn't affect his study. "I saw he became more and more mature," she said.

Due to the limited space in Macao, there is less chance to organize a formal street dance contest, resulting in a lack of improvement in the quality of street dance. Luckily, Macau's tourism is developing fast, providing more opportunities and accommodating an environment for exchange between Chinese and Western cultures and ideas. The image of street dance is changing and it is believed that many people would accept this Western sub-culture gradually.

Street dance is one of the main elements of Hip-Hop. Hip Hop was originated from the low status of Blacks in New York City, the United States, in the mid 70's. On the way to find their identity and to be able to let loose themselves, in those difficult times, they created street dance.

Hip-Hop then spread to other parts of the world. The Popping and Breaking now are more famous in Macau. Hip-Hop is different from those dances which are just using hands and legs, it is using the whole body to show the movement. Hip-Hop not only means dancing, but also reveals a spirit and attitude towards life.
