Cavlin Chan Chi Kin, 24 years old, started sports betting because his friends introduced him to it three years ago. He almost bets 2-3 times a week during the football season. He also feels that sports betting is extremely exciting. He said he enjoys it and feels happy when he bets every time.

It is clear that sports betting is really popular especially among teenagers. Despite the effect on teenagers, sports betting had also brought many problems to society. According to the Report of USA National Gambling Impact Study Commission 1999, sports betting is very common between teenagers. It is noticed that sports betting leads teenagers to lose their positive values.

Because of the seriousness of the problems, it is urgent to forbid this practice among teenagers. First, the action has to start within families. Parents' behaviors usually affect their children. So, parents must behave well and be a good model for their children. If parents do not participate in sports betting, their children will probably follow their example..

Second, the government should tighten the law in order to forbid minors to do sports betting. The government must create more healthy activities in society to let teenagers enjoy sports and help them develop their positive attitudes. Third, teachers should teach their students about the harmful effects of sports betting.
