Macau Command. Leong explained that they organized this activity because they believed that students like shopping and also throwing their old clothes away. If students donate their old clothes, it can help the poor and keep their old clothes in proper use. This activity was very successful. Many students donated their old clothes, especially students from mainland China. Leong added, "The process is always to recollect the pleasant flavor even though results are often unexpected."

Lam, Cheong and Leong all are among the volunteers assisting UMSU. Lam graduated with a degree of Master of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. In his campus life, he used to participate in the annual Macau Universitarian Games, some bowling competitions as well as fencing. Moreover, Lam has continued to serve in UM as an employee. Cheong is one of the founders of the Volunteers Society of Cultural Recreation Association under UMSU, and Leong is the Director General of UMSU who is studying law at UM now.

These volunteers have been organizing many different kinds of activities with different organizations over a couple of years. Although they could not make any money for their hard work, they have enjoyed very much their voluntary jobs by making their life more meaningful and valuable.
