to learn from books. Lam has gained much experience in assisting different kinds of organizations,including the Tertiary Education Services Office, Macau Sport Development Board and students' unions of other colleges.

The basic results of the investigation show that 42 percent of the participants had experience in joining some social groups, like Macau Caritas, the Scout Association of Macau, the Juvenile Voluntary Association of Macau, and so on. However, 29 percent of them discontinued their service for different reasons, such as a loss of interest, part-time jobs, and a need for income or limited time schedule.

UMSU held a clothes donation activity in May this year, in cooperation with the Salvation Army Macau Command.

Joyce Wong, a Year 2 student majoring in Public Administration said, "I joined a volunteer team in a charity organization in primary school, but I haven't joined any sub-organization in the University as I need to take care of my younger brother while my parents are busy at work."

Another story: Terry Cheung, a Year 3 student who is studying at the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) explained, "I joined some activities as a volunteer like flag selling for Macau Caritas and holding a bazaar booth in my secondary school, but I am not doing any such thing now. I have to work at least four days a week for my part-time job, so that I don't have any spare time. It is very difficult for me to arrange the daily time."

Cheung added that he used to be a very shy person and seldom chatted with others. But he

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