Macguide Exhibits Local Teen Trends
By Kerria Kuok

Issac Ma is excited about publishing a magazine for Macau youth.

Macguide, a magazine on local teen fashions and trends, published its first issue at the end of October. With the enthusiastic passion and expectation of the publisher to promote the local trends, it especially offers a space for teenagers to show their talents.

Are you walking in the street, wondering what the popular fashion magazines are on the top list of the market? You may simply find that people around you always pin their eyes on Fashion & Beauty, Milk, Monday, and similar Hong Kong weeklies. Japanese fashion magazines, Non-on, Cutie, etc, are the other hot choices. Although not everyone can read Japanese, these magazines still enjoy a good circulation in Macau. However, what about local fashion magazines?

Macguide, a full color magazine, is one of the pioneers in this market founded by a group of people who are interested in the field. Issac Ma, general manager of Macguide, said that they do not publish it to make money; there is little money to be made in publishing a magazine in Macau. The main aim of the magazine is to provide a venue for local teenagers to show their talents to the public.

Ma, 23 years old, is not a professional in the fashion industry, but a businessman in another field. He dreamed of publishing a magazine in Macau when he was small.

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