UMAC Bridges is a campus publication produced by Year 4 English Communication students. Two issues will be published in each semester - two online issues and one print version. UMAC Bridges encourages students to apply journalistic skills and aims to let UM students to know more about what's happening around them.

A special thanks to instructor, Dr Wu Mei and teaching assistant, Sonia Vong, who have to be acknowledged for their effective guidance and valuable comments.


Aggie Yan
Amoo Xu
Echo Jiang
Fanny Wong
Francisco Maria Fernandes Gusmao
Joana Kong
Kenny Leong
Kit Lo
Lucia Vong
Rain Leong
Viktoria Lesquoy


Jenny Chan
Pansy Leong
Sonia Lei
Sueya Cheong


Jodie Lam
Kerria Kuok
Olivia Wong
Ritchy Leong

Web Design

Claudia Cristina Pereira Carion
Lois Iong
Winnie Chao
Yuki Fong


Dr. Wu Mei

Graduate Assistant

Sonia Vong

Special Thanks to

Mr. Hugo Lok
Information and Communication Technology Office (ICTO)