Love of Fate

By Mona Lei


To get married is not a task people can easily accomplish and it is quite complicated for everyone.


Loving hands


Getting to know each other is in God's hands or by coincidence.

A person's life is like a book, it has an introduction, climax and conclusion. The climax is considered the most important part of our lives as people nearly finish their studies, starting to find a job and building up a family of their own. Building up a family requires at least efforts of two persons and of course the fate in the relation. How hard is it for two persons of different cultures to build a relation and family?

Wong Ka Keong, a 27-year-old Chinese man married Rina Ueda, a Japanese. He still thinks the marriage is like a miracle to him. He first met Ueda at the age of 22 in a party. They were introduced by a friend of Wong's. The relationship started afterward. Few months later, Ueda had to go back to Japan. Then a distant relationship began.

In his teens, Wong was interested in learning Japanese. He was able to speak Japanese fluently. Therefore, he had no difficulty in communicating with Ueda. They mostly chatted on the phone or sent emails to maintain the relationship. They didn't give up although they could not see each other for one year. Suddenly, good news arrived to Wong that Ueda would go to Guangzhou to work. After Ueda moved to Guangzhou, they could meet once a month. They treasured each time when they met. However, the happy time of being together always passed quickly. They missed each other badly when they had to be apart. This relationship had lasted for about five years and they finally got married.

After marriage, both of them have observed the rules of the other half's culture. For instance, Wong has to take off his shoes before he steps into his house. He was scolded by his wife one time when he forgot to do so. On the other hand, Ueda has to burn incense every morning as it is the custom of a Chinese religion. Wong said their ways of life are more or less the same, but the only thing that he has to compromise with his wife is hygiene. For example, his wife "orders" him to use two separate pairs of chopsticks at the dinner table, one is for himself and the other for picking up food shared by everyone.

The birth of their baby boy has brought them joy and happiness. With the background of two cultures, they will encourage their son to adopt both cultures.

At the end of the interview, Wong said with a smile, "Truth, confidence and honesty are the most important elements in starting a beautiful love story with your fiance. I'm really a lucky person to have Rina as my wife."