An international conference titled ‘Confluences in Portuguese: Linguistics, Literature and Translation’, organized by the Department of Portuguese, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH), University of Macau (UM), will take place between 10 May and 12 May. More than 40 experts and scholars with accepted oral presentations, as well as researchers, teachers, and postgraduate students will gather at UM for three consecutive days to share their research findings, knowledge, experience, and expertise in the area of Portuguese as a Second Language
The main focus of the conference will be the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language across various areas of knowledge. The conference will include the following sessions: 1)Teaching materials and learning and teaching strategies for Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL); 2) Phonetics and phonology in Portuguese as a foreign language; 3) Learning of Portuguese as a foreign language: perspectives and practices; 4) Reading and writing in Portuguese as a foreign language; 5) The literary text in the teaching of PFL; 6) Translation and interpretation in the teaching of PFL; 7) Issues on Pragmatics in PFL teaching; 8) Language policies and citizenship.
Participating scholars in the event come from institutions in various countries and regions, including Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, France, Italy, Japan, mainland China, and Macao. For more information, please visit the official page of the Department of Portuguese at For enquiry, please call 88228925/8903 or email to (Chair of the Organizing Committee).