Tuesday, May 14, 2024



Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 17:002024 China Economic and Business Forum
Room G014, UM Guest House (N1)
10:00 – 11:30Seminar on : The current state of Chinese language education in Australian schools and Chinese language teacher education programs in Australian higher education
E33-2036, Faculty of Education
10:30 – 11:30FHS Seminar Series – Functional Genomics Analysis of Selective Protein Degradation and Cancer Pathogenesis by Dr. Ka-Yiu Edwin KONG
健康科學學院講座系列 – 選擇性蛋白質降解和癌症發病機制的功能基因體學分析(講者:江家耀博士)
18:30 – 21:00Seminar on : Mathematical Modelling Education and Its Relation to Interdisciplinary Education
Lecute Hall, Escola Secundária Luso-Chinesa de Luís Gonzaga Gomes
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
Delegation led by Sichuan vice governor visits UM to expand cooperation in Chinese medicine
UM’s construction safety officer course open for applications
FSS-DGPA seminar (Jean Monnet Seminar): ‘Types of Government Intervention and Corruption: Evidence from Europe’ by Prof. Germà BEL @ 16/05/2024; 11:00-12:30; E21B-G002
社會科學學院政府與行政學系講座 (讓莫內):Germà BEL 教授@ 16/05/2024; 11:00-12:30; E21B-G002
CCE and BRTC co-organise a training course on Business and Management for students of Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology
CCE and ICMS offer CPD course for health professionals
澳大持續進修中心與中華醫藥研究院合辦 “如何利用臨床研究及真實世界研究構建循證醫學” 課程
【Sports Activities】: Sports Interest Course (7) – Lawn Bowling was held successfully
【體 . 活動】:運動興趣班 (7) – 草地滾球成功舉辦
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) Monthly Activity Photo Sharing (April 2024)
體育事務部 (OSA) 每月活動照片分享 (2024年4月)
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR: Seminar on “Progress of the Rule of Law and the 25th Anniversary of Macau’s handover: Challenges, Achievements and Future Directions [18th May 2024 (10:00-13:00) : 1SP & 30.0 CS; (14:30-17:30): 1SP & 30.0 CS]
慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年暨澳門特別行政區成立25周年—「法治進程與澳門回歸二十五周年:挑戰、成就與未來方向」研討會 [2024年5月18日 (10:00-13:00) : 1粒至叻星及30.0個CS; (14:30-17:30): 1粒至叻星及30.0個CS]
【講座分享】 直播短視頻的聯動(2024/05/17;N1-1004)Chinese OnlyICI
【IAS】IAS x Interdisciplinary Academic Party – 4 (16 May 2024;12:30-2PM) (1SP & 15.0 CS)
【高研院】高研院跨學科派對 – 第四期 (2024年5月16日;12:30-2PM) (1粒至叻星及15.0個CS)
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Temporary Suspension of Power Supply and Network Services at W11, W12, W13, W14, S9, N21 on 8, 9, 15, 23 & 30 June 2024
W11, W12, W13, W14, S9, N21之電力供應及網絡服務將於2024年6月8日、9日、15日、23日及30日暫停
[Update] Hardware Maintenance of HPCC during 16 to 17 May 2024
[更新] 高性能計算集群 (HPCC) 將於5月16至17日 期間進行硬件維護
Important Notice: Security vulnerability of Google Chrome browser (updated at 13 May 2024)
關於 Google Chrome 瀏覽器的安全漏洞通告 (更新於 2024年5月13日)
[For Staff Only] New in-house training courses: “Development and Prospect of E-governance”, “Administrative Procedure Law” & “Advanced Professional Training on Public Relations”
[僅供職員] 新一期內部培訓課程:「電子治理的發展與前瞻」、「行政程序法」及「公共關係進階專業培訓」
PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Law by Ms. WANG JINGYI on 13 May 2024FLL
PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Health Sciences, by Ms. Xianyuan WEI on 14 May 2024 (Tuesday)FHS
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 10/05/2024-13/05/2024CO
【Sports Activity】: “2023-2024 UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony” was held successfully
【體 . 活動】: 「2023-2024澳大運動獎頒獎典禮」圓滿結束
External Activity: The 7th “Community Safe Youth Leadership Programme” (Extension of UM Application Deadline: May 17 (Friday))
校外活動: 第七屆”社區安全青年領袖計劃” (延長校內截止報名日期:5月17日(星期五))
All active student notices 所有學生通告

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time首次發佈時間: 14/05/2024 09:00

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