Yonghua Song, rector of the University of Macau (UM), recently attended the International Bay Area Summit 2023 in Hong Kong at the invitation of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES). During the event, Song shared UM’s experience in facilitating industry-academia collaboration among different parties in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) at a panel session titled ‘The Role of Higher Education’. According to Song, UM actively responds to China’s regional development strategy and external development strategy and works with other universities in the GBA to create an international technology and innovation centre and a higher education demonstration zone. The event attracted over 200 representatives of different organisations, including the University of Cambridge, the Tokyo Institute of Technology, as well as universities, research institutes, and tech startups in the GBA. Under the theme of ‘Innovation, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Ecosystems’, the summit aimed to explore the different challenges and opportunities facing bay area economies, thereby promoting exchanges and cooperation between them.

Source: Global Affairs Office
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