The Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC), University of Macau (UM), recently held its fourth meeting online. During the meeting, experts and scholars exchanged ideas on the development of the laboratory. In his speech, Yonghua Song, rector of UM and director of SKL-IOTSC, expressed his gratitude to the experts for their long-term support to the university and the laboratory. According to him, the laboratory will continue to focus on its research directions, to strengthen basic theory and technological research with major research projects, to promote the transfer of research results, and to serve the major needs of the country. Ma Shaodan, assistant director of SKL-IOTSC, reported the current progress of the laboratory’s projects and its research achievements in 2022. She also discussed its development plan and key objectives for the future. Members of the committee recognised the laboratory’s achievements in key scientific research work, open access funding, and talent development. They also reached a consensus that the laboratory should continue to address the strategic needs of the country, enhance basic and original research, make full use of the advantages of the university and the strengths of Macao, and participate in R&D programmes of the country.

Source: State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City
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