The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organised a training course on technology and cultural creativity for 25 students from Jiaxing Vocational Technical College between 28 June and 29 June. In addition to experiencing the quality teaching provided by the international faculty team of the university, course participants also had in-depth discussions with the representatives of young entrepreneurs from Macao, Mr Lam Chin Chi and Mr Lai Hon Cheng, as well as UM students. They also visited the library, the University Gallery, and a residential college to learn about the research development of the university as well as the learning and living environment of UM students.

The two-day training course was intensive and informative. The course was conducted in strict compliance with the epidemic prevention measures of the Macao SAR government to ensure the health and safety of all teachers, students, and staff. Li Jun, representative of Jiaxing Vocational Technical College, said that the students and teachers felt very relieved to learn in a safe environment, as the students actively cooperated with the university’s epidemic prevention measures. He added that the international education provided by the university helps students to develop a global mindset and to think from multiple angles. He  encouraged the students to put knowledge into practice, and expressed hope that there would be more opportunities to bring students to study at the university in the future. Many of the students say that they gained a great deal from the training course, that the university left a deep impression on them, and that they hoped to have the opportunity to study at UM again in the future.

The CCE is committed to supporting the nation’s talent development strategy, promoting exchange and collaboration with other institutions, and strengthening communication between the youth in Macao and the mainland. 

Source: Centre for Continuing Education
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Judite LamTel: (853) 8822 8022
UM 40th