Web version 網頁版


Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 18:00Exhibition of Portuguese Language Works Translated into Chinese (cont)
UM Gallery (E1)
09:00 – 18:30Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: IAS Annual Conference (cont)
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 高研院周年學術研討會
10:00 – 11:30FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Civility, Bestiality, and the Demonic: The Developmental History of Sun Wukong and the Changing Reception of Foreignness during the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition” by Dr. Isaac Yue
人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“人格、獸性與魔道:孫悟空形象生成與宋元明時期華夷觀的轉變”- 余文章博士
Room G049, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21A)
13:00 – 14:00Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: FSS-DCOM Research Seminar Series: “Casino Art Patronage and China’s Cultural Governance: The Case of Wynn Macau during Art Macao 2019” by Prof. Ying LI
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 社會科學學院傳播系 研究講座 – 李穎教授
Room G002, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21)
13:15 – 14:15Macau Cultural Series: Taste and the city – Food and Culture of Macau
澳門文化系列: 品味城市- 澳門的美食和文化
Room G024, MCMC Fellows’ Salon (W11)
16:00 – 15:30Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Macao Humanities Forum#3 by Professor Xiangchen SUN from Fudan University
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 鏡海人文論壇#3 – 孫向晨教授(復旦大學哲學學院院長)
Room G035, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21A)
Admission to Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for Mainland China Students 2021/2022 (Application period: 04/05-25/06/2021) (cont)
2021/2022 學年學士學位課程招生:內地學生(報名日期:04/05-25/06/2021)
Online Application at https://go.um.edu.mo/bwartt40
More events 更多活動 / Post an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM holds Portuguese Language Day to increase language exchange
UM’s IAS holds its first public forum to reflect on pandemic
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: CCBS Seminar Series – Talk#2 by Prof. Lihai TAN of Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience
Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University visits to FSS of UM
CKPC Pastel Nagomi Art Painting
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: FAH-CCHC: Exhibition of Masters Rare Autographed Collection and Book launch of “Chinese Cultural Research Series”
澳門大學40週年校慶 —中國歷史文化中心—大師簽名珍本書展暨《中國文化論叢》首發式
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau : HA Talent Show: Choi Kai Yau College Wonderful Night Event
澳門大學40週年校慶 — 蔡繼有書院院生會活動:CKYC奇妙夜
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: FBA Distinguished Scholar Seminar: Prof. Ke Tang
澳門大學40週年校慶 — 工商管理學院傑出學者研討會: 湯珂教授
MCMC: Common Table 2021 with Fellows & Affiliates
MCMC: Common Table 2021 com Membros do Corpo Directivo e Amigos
External Activity: Oxfam Rice Event 2021 and Volunteer Recruitment
校外活動: 2021訂購樂施米義賣及招募義工大行動
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notice 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Notice of Outlook connection problem of the Staff Email system on 5 May 2021
職員電郵系統於五月五日出現 Outlook 用戶端連接故障通告
Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ): “Important Notes – Legislative Assembly Election System”
教育及青年發展局 : “《澳門特別行政區立法會選舉制度》- 注意事項 “
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notice 學生通告 Dept. 部門
Student Resources Office organized postgraduate students to visit the “National Security Education Exhibition”
(All tickets are DISTRIBUTED): “Classical Express-Carnival of the Animals” Concert on 8 May 2021, 20:00, University of Macau – University Hall (N2)
(所有門票已派發完畢): , 2021年5月8日, 20:00, 澳門大學 – 大學會堂 (N2)
News Express: UM holds Portuguese Language Day to increase language exchange
News Express: UM’s IAS holds its first public forum to reflect on pandemic
External Activity: Series of Social Enterprise Exploration and Implementation Courses
校外活動: 社會企業探索及實踐系列課程
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students) , 05/05/2021
All active student notice 所有學生通告

Banner Booking 借用橫額 Add News and Events 上載新聞及活動 List for Undeliverable Mail 待領郵件表
Equipment Booking 借用物品 Leave Application System 休假申請 Lost and Found 失物認領
Sports Facilities Booking 體育設施預約 Venue Booking 借用場地 University Almanac 校曆

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities.To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 06/05/2021 09:00

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