Associate Professor Shaoping Li from the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) of the University of Macau (UM) recently received an invitation from the international authoritative journal, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, to join its editorial board with effective from 1st January 2009 for a period of three years.

The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, published by Elsevier, is an international journal which covers all aspects of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis in areas such as Pharmaceuticals, Biology and Medical Science, Clinical Science, and the developments in Analytical Methodology, Instrumentation, Computation and Interpretation. This journal provides important reference information for analytical chemists, pharmaceutical enterprises, clinical chemistry laboratories, relevant administrators at academic institutions and government departments, biochemists, microbial biologists and pharmacists.

This journal is accredited high in the fields of Analytical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacy. It has been ranked 19th and 68th out of 70 and 205 SCI journals respectively. Members of its editorial board are all outstanding scholars in the field of Analytical Chemistry. Professor Shaoping Li’s being invited to join the editorial board indicates that UM’s research on Quality Control of Chinese Medicine has been internationally acknowledged.

Professor Shaoping Li has been devoted himself to research on quality control of Chinese medicine since 2002 when ICMS was established. He has been offered sponsorship for several projects of his by the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau and the Research Committee of UM. Besides, Professor Li has issued more than 40 research papers in analytical chemistry journals. He is one of the active scholars worldwide in the field of Quality Control of Chinese Medicine.

Having been awarded the Best Reviewer by the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis in 2006, Professor Li presently serves as reviewer for more than 20 SCI journals, member of the editorial boards of 10 international academic journals, and guest editor of two international journals Molecules and Asian Chemistry Letters.