Several teachers and one MA student of the Department of Communication of the University of Macau (UM) made a collective presence in ICA 2010 in Singapore which initiated a special panel this year on Macau Between Global and Local: Macau in Transformation. This is the first time that ICA (International Communication Association) has had a plenary session with Macau as a central theme.
The Macau panel elaborated Macau from within and from a close examination of the tension arising in Macau from the influence of globalization, the pressure for economic growth, the wide-spread diffusion of new media technologies, and the local aspiration to maintain a cultural identity, a stable family and harmonious society.
The panel featured presentations by Prof. Chen Huailin, Prof. Wu Mei, Dr. Lisa Li, Dr. Angus Cheong and MA student Anni Lam. Prof. Tim Simpson, Dr. Li Ying and Dr. Benjamin Hodges presented papers in other ICA sessions.
ICA, which has more than 4,300 active members, is the largest international academic association in communication studies. ICA annual conference is regarded as the most prestigious one in the field. ICA 2010 in Singapore was the first time in seven years that the annual event was held in Asia.