On 28 October 2010, at 20:30, a public debate on “The extinction of the Ibero-Asian Creoles” will be held at the Casa Garden (Fundação Oriente) auditorium, in which the audience will have a chance to discuss the challenges faced by the Portuguese- and Spanish-based Creole languages of Macao, the Philippines, Malacca, India and Sri Lanka with the experts most acquainted with their present-day context.
The panel includes:
Alan Baxter (University of Macau)
Clancy Clements (University of Indiana)
Ian Smith (York University)
Maria Isabel Tomás (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Mauro Fernández (Universidade da Coruña)
The debate will be preceded by a gala, in which the participants will get to know these languages at present, through music, video, audio clips and updated information, which will include the participation of Creolophone communities residing in Macao.
The event will be conducted in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and will be open to anyone with an interest in the preservation of the Asian Creoles, in particular that of Maquista or Macao Patuá.
The debate is co-organized by the Research Centre for Luso-Asian Studies and the Department of Portuguese of the University of Macau, and is sponsored by the Fundação Oriente, as part of the Lusofonia Festival and Cultural Week of China and Portuguese Speaking Countries 2010 programme.
Contact person:
Dr. Hugo Cardoso
Email: hcardoso@um.edu.mo
Tel: 62862730