
The third Symposium of Environmental Remote Sensing of Pearl River Delta Region, co-organized by The Association for Promotion of Science and Technology of Macao, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of Chinese University of Hong Kong and Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System of Guangdong province, supported by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau, Remote Sensing Center of Sun Yat-Sen University and Hong Kong Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and sponsored by Macao SAR Environmental Protection Bureau and Cartography and Cadastre Bureau, took place at the Auditorium of UM from 10 Nov to 11 Nov 2010. Mr. Zhang Guo Cheng, Chief Officer of China Science and Technology Remote Sensing Center, was invited to give a talk on the designated thesis.

For more details about this news, please refer to the chinese press release.