University of Macau staff and students join the World Challenge Day activity. |
Fitness for life is an ambitious, challenging goal, and a simple way to improve one’s chances of achieving that goal is to exercise just fifteen minutes a day, which was exactly what University of Macau (UM) staff and students did today, in response to the World Challenge Day.
The World Challenge Day is a friendly international competition in sport for all, where communities of similar sizes from around the world compete against each other, to motivate as many people as possible to be physically active for only fifteen minutes in a single day.
Approximately two hundred UM staff and students today accepted the challenge and did fifteen minutes of exercise together.
UM is a long-time supporter and participant of the World Challenge Day, and through participation in the activity it hopes to raise staff and students’ awareness of the benefits of regular exercise to their physical and emotional wellbeing. UM’s commitment to promoting a “Healthy University” is reflected not only in its active participation in the World Challenge Day, but is also evident in its establishment in 2007 of an environmental protection team and an occupational safety and health team, which aim to provide a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for staff and students in order to enhance their life quality and level of health.
Macao activities in response to the World Challenge Day were co-organized by the Macau Sport Development Board and the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, with assistance from the Health Bureau.
Should you have any query, please feel free to contact Ms. Kay Lai at(853)8397 4325 or kaylai@um.edu.mo or visit UM webpage www.umac.mo.