Prof. Philip Chen, dean of the University of Macau’s (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology, has been appointed editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the scope of this IEEE journal convers systems science and engineering efforts that involve formulation, analysis, modelling, decision-making, and interpretation in any of the lifecycle phases associated with the definition, development, and implementation of large systems. It is one of the top academic journals in the fields of computing and system sciences, and like most of IEEE’s top-tiered publications, this journal has an acceptance rate of less than 9 per cent.
Prof. Chen is the first scholar from Macao to be appointed editor-in-chief of an IEEE journal. Former editors-in-chief of this journal include Andrew Sage, a member of the United States National Academy of Engineering; Madan Singh, a late chair professor at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Donald Brown, William Stansfield Calcott Professor at the University of Virginia, United States; and Witold Pedrycz, professor at the University of Alberta, Canada.
Prof. Chen is also an associate editor of IEEE Open Access and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, a steering committee member of IEEE Transactions on Big Data, and vice editor-in-chief of the Communications of Chinese Association of Automation (published by the Chinese Association of Automation under the Chinese Academy of Sciences). He was the president of IEEE’s Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (IEEE SMC) for the 2012-2013 period, and now serves as its Jr. Past President in charge of nominations. He has been a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE SMC since 2010.Should you have any enquiries about the press release, please feel free to contact Ms. Albee Lei or Ms. Kristy Fok at(853)8397 4325 or or visit UM webpage