Three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), namely Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering, have been recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord. Students starting these three programmes in the 2011/2012 academic year or later are eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord. This is the first programmes in Macao to be recognised by the Washington Accord signatories. It is also the first out-of-jurisdiction accreditation meeting the Washington Accord standards.  The three programmes were accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in 2012.

Today (20 May), UM held a press conference for the three programmes. Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macao SAR Cheong U, UM Rector Wei Zhao, FST Dean Prof. Philip Chen, HKIE President Raymond Chan Kin Sek, Macau Institution of Engineers Chairman Prof. Tam Lap Mou, and other guests attended the press conference.

Secretary Cheong U said the fact that the three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the UM’s FST have been recognised by the Washington Accord signatories shows international recognition of the university’s effort to optimise the quality of its teaching and to meet international standards. It also shows the university’s determination to become a world-class university.

Rector Wei Zhao noted that the three programmes’ being recognised by the signatories to the Washington Award is highly significant, because it is testament to the fact that UM’s academic programmes and teaching have met international standards; and the recognition will help UM to achieve the goal of becoming a world-class university with distinctive characteristics. Wei Zhao added that the new campus will become fully operational in the next academic year, and UM will continue to nurture outstanding graduates with lofty goals and a global mindset to serve Macao and China. 

FST Dean Prof. Philip Chen added that FST has constantly reformed and improved itself over the last 25 years in order to meet international standards and to be in alignment with the development goals of the university. The changes at FST have also increased the students’ competitiveness and helped to turn FST into a technology and engineering education centre in Macao.

It is also a breakthrough in international agreement that the three degree programmes have been accredited by the HKIE and met the standards of the Washington Accord. Graduates from the three programmes will be eligible to become Corporate Member by participating in the engineering graduate training scheme “A” as a HKIE Graduate Member. The Corporate Member can enjoy recognition under two international engineering agreements (the International Professional Engineers Agreement, and the APEC Engineer Agreement) and 22 qualification accreditation agreements. Currently two organisations provide HKIE’s graduates scheme “A” training. With recognition by signatories of the Washington Accord, FST and HKIE and AEM (Macau Institution of Engineers) will continue to work closely, and it is expected that 20 organisations will participate in the scheme “A” training to help train more engineering elite in Macao.           

Signed in 1989, the Washington Accord is an international agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting engineering degree programmes. Through more than 20 years of development, it has become the most influential international agreement on mutual recognition of degree programmes. Signatories include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong China, South Africa, Japan, Singapore, Taipei, South Korea, Malaysia, Turkey and Russia. Countries that have provisional signatory status include Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, Sir Lanka, and Philippines.

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